Xiangji Zeng 曾祥极



I am a third-year master student of computer science at Zhejiang University. I am very fortunate to be advised by Prof. Yin Zhang. I dedicate myself to a long-term goal, which is to understand the difference of understanding the world between the brain and the machine. Specifically, I am familiar with information extraction, especially named entity recognition and event extraction. These areas are a small step to push this problem a bit. Besides, I have some attempts in commonsense reasoning that are but not limited to psychology. I want to figure out what mechanism makes the brain to think and express desires and emotions.

Keywords: Natural Language Processing, Affective Computing, and Information Extraction.


Counterfactual Generator: A Weakly-Supervised Method for Named Entity Recognition.

Xiangji Zeng*, Yunliang Li, Yuchen Zhai, Yin Zhang. EMNLP 2020. [PDF]

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